Sunday, March 13, 2011

New additions to the Powell Family!

 Big news in our household this week. We have some new additions!!! No, it's not what you think. We have new kittens. Our kids love their cat and Orangie is the best cat we've had. It's no surprise that I'm not wild about cats -I'm a dog guy- but I even like Orangie. She lets the kids handle her about any way they want to and she will even come to me when I call. She had her litter of 6 orange kittens last Sunday afternoon, the first litter to all look like her. They are a week old today and one of them already has it's eyes open. They will be looking for a good home in about 5 or 6 weeks, free for the asking ;)

Our new additions
Removed from their home under the watchful eye of mom
A bundle of fun
The early bird calling for mom
On a more serious big news note, we do have a new addition coming to our family. Congratulations to Ross and Allison! If you don't know yet, they are expecting a little girl in a few months. We have a new niece on the way. Now that is exciting news!

1 comment:

  1. cute kitty photos - love the one of Orangie looking at them!
