Monday, March 28, 2011

On the Road Again

  As you have probably noticed, our blog has been pretty slow this last month. Our main reason for starting this blog was to keep in touch while I was away for training. Being at home for the last few weeks kind of too the priority off the blogging. Well, I'm back in Germany so I guess the blogging should pick back up. This will be my longest trip yet, lasting almost a month. I'm already missing my family!
  We took a trip this weekend to the German Technology Museum in Munich. We planned to spend all of Saturday there but a bad traffic jam cut us down to having about 5 hours. This museum is huge and covers all kinds of stuff. We only seen 3 sections of probably 10. I want to go back another weekend when I can spend all day. Here are a few pictures from the museum and downtown Munich. 

The Goof Troop Left to Right: Rodney, Ron, Chase, and Scott
We spent a good bit of time in the aviation wing. Lots of interesting stuff.

We also saw the nautical, aerospace, and mining sections.

This is closer to downtown Munich.
Stores, stores, and more stores. And this is not the center city. It's even bigger!
This is my ride for this trip. An auto transmission with built in GPS. NICE!
The car shot was at dusk with very little light. I had to use a 4" shutter speed to get it right!
Notice "ghost" Chase. We need to work on this, but it could make a cool shot
A Mercedes dealership
Mercedes dealership continued


  1. I wouldn't mind having a car with M-B on it. ;)

    Btw - Skype is super cool. And these photos make a European vacation sound pretty good.

    Guess what - I don't have to work tomorrow. ha!

  2. Hey D,
    The MB is a nice car. I doubt I will ever have one stateside though ;)
    I really like the Skype too. You need to create a log-in and give me a ring. We could discuss the upcoming wedding while being 4500 miles apart! I had supper with the family last night. Andrea set the laptop on the table and I watched and talked to everyone while they ate. Matter of fact, I am on with Andrea right now and she is cooking supper. And it's after 12:00 here! It is great to be able to do that, but it also makes me a little more homesick too. But it is definitely better than not seeing them at all.
    Easy on the work deal part timer. Just remember that you are going to have to get a REAL job here soon! Have fun on your time off.

  3. Yipes - we need to talk about that wedding. If I finish my taxes tomorrow, I might need some "lens discussion." ;)
